Devlog #37 - Chapter 3 week 13

Hello there! Time for another devlog. Last week was pretty cool, specially the Hentai Live Expo event! And they actually ended up using my animation as the intro, so that was really neat to see.

This week's devlog is quite short, as there's not much to show at this stage without spoiling stuff.

Progress Status

We got 9 artworks to go!

You might wonder why progress for the CGs has essentially been one CG a week. Well external factors aside, progress speed varies depending on how complicated a CG is obviously. If it becomes too complicated to draw, a CG artwork ends up being more of a camera angle that includes multiple drawings in it, instead of just one drawing. This CG is one of the more complicated ones and requires maintaning several variants like different face expressions. If there's something wonky with the base drawing, changing something fundamental about it means repairing the subsequent variants that depend on that base drawing.

Which actually ended up happening this week. One of the faces for this week's CG artwork came out bad and risked throwing away half the list of variants. I ended up improving on it, but it's essentially what I worked all week on! And yes, the CG artwork had so many variants that it meant I could give up on half of it and still have enough variants to make it work. In hindsight however, if that is really the case, then that was a clear indicator that the CG had too many components in excess and I should have been less ambitious. But regardless, I finished them all! 


Progress has been on the low due to how heavy the CGs have been, but we're getting closer to the end!
 Apologies for a further lack of development on progress, as I've been quite exhausted in these past days and not really been able to concentrate. But nevertheless, I aim to do the best I can!

Thank you for reading as always! This next week I aim to finish at least the remaining music track and the background, likely some more writing and if things go well, a full CG. Thank you once again, and I'll see you next week!

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Im glad everything is moving along and I hope more support comes

Thank you! :D